Thursday, November 11, 2010

Family Ministry

We read Newletters, newspapers, magazines, books, DVD's, CD, email, web sites and now blogs. It can be so easy to be overcome with information today on any and every subject. The purpose of this blog is to be a connecting point between myself and the families of Morristown First Christian Church and surrounding community, to bless and encourage marriage relationships, family discipleship and a closer walk with Jesus. I believe if it accomplishes this, the ultimate reach extend much further than this place or time.

You will find here personal work as well as references to articles and books along with my thoughts on them. They will all be something related to Marriage or Family and Faith. If you come across something you think I might like, feel free to email it to me. Not everything will get posted here, but I also look for links that we can add to our church website as a resource for families. You can look forward to my first full blog next week.

In the Grace of Christ,

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